Erasmus+ Project

ILIS: Innovative Labor Insertion Solutions

About Ilis

ILIS (Innovative Labor Insertion Solutions) is an Erasmus+ KA2 project coordinated by the Nantik Lum Foundation in collaboration with the European Institute for Local Development (EILD) and Instytut Badań i Innowacji w Edukacji (INBIE).

The objective of this project is to promote employability and entrepreneurship among vulnerable long-term unemployed adults living in Europe, especially women in situations or at risk of exclusion.

Directed at:

Long-term unemployed adults and/or people in a situation or at risk of social, labor and financial exclusion.



The socio-labour insertion skills of people in a situation or at risk of exclusion in a way that allows them to acquire the necessary skills to enter the labor market as an employee or self-employed.


The digital skills of adults in a situation or at risk of exclusion so that they can access job search opportunities online.



And promote the entrepreneurial and employability spirit of this collective.

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