Nantik Lum

Get to Know Us

Our History

In the year 2003, a group of professionals who were deeply concerned about the grave issues of poverty and exclusion came together to establish the Nantik Lum Foundation. Our aim was to contribute to the development of marginalized sectors through tools that would empower them to be the protagonists of their own growth.

Our beginnings were marked by supporting small productive groups of indigenous women in the Lacandon Jungle of Chiapas, Mexico. These women, in their ancient wisdom, taught us how to work with the resources provided by Mother Nature. As a sign of respect and recognition for their way of life and work, the name “Nantik Lum” was born, which means “Mother Earth” in the Tseltal Maya language.

Our work is fundamentally inspired by the work of Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh and Nobel Peace Prize laureate in 2006. In his own words: “The poor are like bonsai trees. The problem is not the seed, but the soil. It is society that has not allowed them to germinate in genuine soil. If they are allowed to grow in legitimate soil, equivalent to offering them the necessary opportunities to develop, they will grow as tall as anyone else.”

Over the past nearly 20 years, we have developed international cooperation projects as well as extensive research activities related to microfinance.

Since 2011, we have been carrying out social action projects and programs in Spain through microfinance and inclusive entrepreneurship. We offer training, guidance, and access to financing to individuals in vulnerable situations. Our goal is to accompany these individuals in their inclusion journey through self-employment.


To accompany and support people who want to start their own business with training, guidance, and access to financing. To reduce social exclusion among individuals
whose rights and needs are violated. To work
towards equality and the development of women in the workplace and society.
We generate solutions and provide tools to make life easier for anyone who needs it.


Empathy. Resilience. Social integration. Networking

Hering these values clear can guide us and keep us on track when working to achieve our goal: making an impact.

Board of Trustees

Juan Riva de Aldama – President of the Nantik Lum Foundation, CEO of Multiplatform Content, and CEO of the Immune Technology Institute

Felipe Fernández Atela – President of Experian Spain

Alfonso Rodés Vilá – CEO of Havas Media

Puerto de Sotogrande S.A. – Represented by Juan Villar Mir de Fuentes, President of Inmobiliaria Espacio

Antonio Vázquez Romero – President of IAG

Elena Garrigues Miranda – Director of Business Development, Gronda Studio


Enrique Aldama – CEO of Dorna Sports

Pablo Juantegui – CEO of Telepizza

Antonio Rodríguez – President of Deutsche Bank Spain

Jesús Sainz – President of the Créate Foundation

Silvia Rico – Co-founder of the Nantik Lum Foundation and professor at UAM and San Pablo CEU

José María Espí – Professor at IEB and board member of Equifax Ibérica S.L.

They make it possible