We are
Nantik Lum

We work for inclusion

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At the Nantik Lum Foundation, we have been working for 20 years with a mission:

“transformar la vida de las personas más vulnerables a través de las microfinanzas, el emprendimiento y la salud financiera, como herramientas de lucha contra la pobreza y laexclusión social”

In these 20 years, we have supported 12,600 individuals, helped launch or strengthen 6,000 businesses, and trained over 400 professionals. We are more enthusiastic and committed than ever to our mission and to the people we accompany; they are the protagonists of our story.

Get to know them in this 3-minute video.

Independent foundation working to reduce social, financial, and labor exclusion.

people served
+ 0
Businesses created
Training hours

*Data from 2022

We help you


for your business

Directory of

We are PAE,
Entrepreneur Service Point

Do you want to register as self-employed or establish your company?
If you are thinking of starting your own business, we will help you with all the procedures.

Through its specialized professionals we offer economic, legal and labor advice to entrepreneurs.
Information on public aid.

You too can change lives

Being a volunteer at Nantik Lum means participating in actions to support, train and advise our users in different areas and specialties. If you don’t see yours, contact our team anyway, we’ll surely find a space where you can participate. And if you have already decided to join the team, fill out the form and we will contact you.

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Our entrepreneurs say...